To: Crecente
From: Bashcraft
With my schedule, it seems like the only time I'm able to read for the fun of it is during vacations. There were a couple books I squeezed in last year (Yokai Attack! was great), but my favorite of 2008?
Now The Hell Will Start. It's a terrific yarn, a nonfiction telling a side of World War II we rarely hear — plus it's got headhunters! (Any book with headhunters get awesome default points.) It is a great read, oozing researcher and packed with cracker jack writing. A buddy of mine, Brendan Koerner, wrote it — and the book has just been sold to Spike Lee for a film version. So, yeah, congrats on that!
Those interested can read more about the book here and buy a copy here. So, now is the time where I ask you: What was the best book you read last year?
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