No More Heroes 2, the sequel to the eccentric Wii game from Grasshopper Manufacture (the only Wii game that has had a sexy lady speak to you through your Wii remote speaker) will be playable for all PAX-goers next week.
While booking Penny Arcade Expo appointments with game publishers this week, Mike Fahey and I have mostly been hearing that we'll get a chance to play new or old builds of familiar games. Few games, we've learned, are making their worldwide playable debut at the big Seattle show.
No More Heroes 2 is the happy exception. While talking to Ubisoft folks about the company's plans, I learned that the game will be playable on the show floor next week in Seattle. Reporters haven't played it at trade shows yet. The public hasn't played it anywhere. The playing field's level this time.
Look for more information about our PAX plans as the show approaches. And look for No More Heroes 2 at PAX. The show starts Friday, September 4.