US-based PS3 owners who were annoyed that Sony's PlayTV TV recorder won't be coming to NTSC-land can cheer up a bit. Sony has decided to redress the balance by making the PlayTV rubbish.
When we first heard about the PlayTV's ability to record TV while you played it sounded great and the decision to allow 'format shifting' of recordings to other devices was a real sea-change for the usually clenched Sony.
Sadly, it is back to tense-buttocked business as usual. Sony has announced that PlayTV owners will now only be able to stream recordings to a PSP using Remote Play. No reason, just because, although the usual concerns about intellectual property and loss of advertising revenue will doubtless be trotted out at some point.
Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory...
PlayTV saved files no longer transferable [EuroGamer]