Nintendo's recent price drop on its line of portable game machines is giving the platform a big boost in Japan. As it has since becoming cheaper, the XL-sized Nintendo DSi LL reigns supreme on Japan's sales charts.
Add another 32,000-plus Japanese players of the biggest Nintendo DS to date. When combined with the portable's other hardware variations, the Nintendo DS family moved another 55,000-plus units. Not bad for a week's work and more than double what any other platform sold in the country.
For the rest of Media Create's hardware sales numbers in Japan, read on.
- Nintendo DSi LL - 32,661
- PSP - 24,685
- Wii - 21,964
- PS3 - 20,077
- Nintendo DSi - 18,271
- Xbox 360 - 7,303
- Nintendo DS Lite - 5,339
- PS2 - 1,594
- PSP go - 1,024