Most people who have played Metroid Dread say the game is very good. But what if you are not one of those people, and for whatever reason do not trust those people? Well, now you can simply download part of the game for free and try it for yourself.
Nintendo, who must have woken up this morning thinking it was 1999 and this was still a totally normal and common thing that happens in this business, just announced the surprise move on their website:
This Halloween, suit up as Samus Aran and see what goes bump in the night on planet ZDR with a fun-sized bite of the Metroid™ Dread game. Download the free demo now from Nintendo.com or Nintendo eShop on your device!
Experience the eerie isolation of a remote alien world, face a relentless mechanical menace, and power your way through a section of what Shacknews calls “a sci-fi blast of brilliance that fans and newcomers alike will more than likely enjoy.”
If you need more Metroid Dread in your treat bucket, you can pick up the full game today.
I’m really digging this resurgence in demos! Long ignored, if not outright despised by publishers, you’ve been able to download a ton of very good demos from the eShop over the last year or so, for games like Age of Calamity, Monster Hunter Rise, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX and Yoshi’s Crafted World.
There hasn’t been one for a game this high-profile, though, or one as critically-acclaimed. If this is a sign that Nintendo is becoming increasingly willing to let folks try a big game, instead of just expecting/hoping they’ll spent $60 on it, then that’s just great.
If you haven’t played Metroid Dread yourself yet and want to try out the demo, it’s out now and available from the eShop, or by following this link on Nintendo’s site.