Nintendo Power teased us earlier today with a surprise announcement—A Boy And His Blob was coming to the Wii, promising details later. Well, they're out now and, boy, does this game look spectacular.
The re-imagined A Boy And His Blob will be handled by Wayforward, developers of fine products like Contra 4 for the Nintendo DS and LIT for WiiWare, reveals Nintendo Power. It also has first screens of the 2D, hand-animated game, plus how we'll be using the Blob on the Wii.
It's substantially different from the NES original.
Instead of simply feeding the Blob jellybeans to transform him into things like ladders and trampolines, the Boy will be able to use him offensively, turning him into an anvil or a cannon or a human-shaped doppelganger. Oh, and much, much more, of course.
The gorgeous looking modern day remake is planned for a Fall release (as a fully-fledged retail product, we gather) but you'll have to check the April issue of Nintendo Power for further details.
A Boy And His Blob Preview [Nintendo Power]