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Nintendo Gold Box Deals Hit Amazon Friday

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Planning on buying any Nintendo games soon? Put the brakes on, pal. Amazon's teasing us with big savings on nine — count 'em, NINE! — Nintendo... things for this Friday, June 27. They say it's a "first time ever" kind of thing. They'll be given the Gold Box treatment that's sure to help you scratch that video game consumption itch. The specifics from Amazon are...

  • At 12:01 AM PST the first deal will be the Gold Box Deal of the Day. Its special discounted price will be available all day only on Friday, June 27 (or until we run out.)
  • Starting at 6:00 AM PST, the second deal will be featured as a Lightning Deal. This special price will be available for the following two hours.
  • Each of the eight remaining deals will also be Lightning Deals. Starting every two hours that follow at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM, and 6:00 PM PST, and 8:00 PM each deal will be available for two hours after it begins.

I'm predicting a Wii Fit blowout! Okay, that's less than likely, but maybe I'll get a few bucks off that copy of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess I never got around to. What? I'm busy.


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