Catching them all gets a bit more personal later this year as Nintendo announces two 3DS eShop tie-ins for Pokémon Black and White 2: the pro version of its free 3D Pokédex, and Pokémon Dream Radar, a game that let's players capture monsters in real life and transfer them to the full games.
This is exactly what I imagined when Nintendo first talked augmented reality on the 3DS. In Pokémon Dream Radar, players will use the handheld's camera and motion sensing capabilities to hunt for Pokémon in the wilds of their own living room (or that outside area I keep hearing about), firing beams of light at projected pocket monsters to capture them. Once captured, critters can be transferred into the upcoming Pokémon Black Version 2 and White Version 2. Fans can expect certain rare Pokémon to be easier to catch using the augmented reality app.
When they aren't hunting them, fans will be able to research Pokémon using the Pokédex 3D Pro, a premium version of the free Pokédex 3D app for the 3DS with all of the existing entries unlocked. I was wondering when they'd do that.
Both apps should supplement Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2 quite nicely, giving players a new way to appreciate Black Kyurem and White Kyurem, the stars of the two games' covers.
I am completely ready to look ridiculous for the sake of augmented reality Pokémon. Look for both new apps to his the 3DS eShop later this year.