Just over a month after its release on PC, Koei Tecmo’s Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection—a full-priced product from a major international publisher—has finally got around to adding some in-game graphics options.
In case you missed it in June, the collection of games released missing stuff that was bizarrely inexcusable from even a middling publisher, let alone one responsible for a game of this profile. Like in-game resolution options, the ability to toggle into fullscreen mode, and being able to use the keyboard at all, even just for main menu navigation.
As PC Gamer reports, though, that’s finally been addressed by the inclusion of a few extra options on the screen settings page, that lets players change not just the resolution, but a few other settings like fullscreen, VSYNC and even anti-aliasing as well.
I cannot believe I had to just type that, in 2021, but such was the state of this port that this is news. Hopefully lessons have been learned here, and it’s the last time we have to!