Battlefield 1's beta is in progress on Playstation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Players are showing off some amazing snipes, clutch artillery shots, and outright unbelievable engagements. Here are nine players pulling of some of my favorite moments so far.
The Most Cinematic Sniper I’ve Ever Seen
Like something out of a sweeping war movie, peruvianidol’s quick reflexes unseat a rider from atop their dangerous war horsey.
This Bullet-Dodging Saber Guy
Caught in the middle of the desert and rushing down a sniper, hornet_ru shows no fear, charging in to get a very dramatic kill.
These Two Biplanes That Had Sex In Mid-Air
It turns out that old fashioned aero-planes are made of sturdy stuff, as KampferXenon discovered.
This Tank Playing Duck Hunt With A Plane
It was a long shot, but napalmjerry took it anyway. Godspeed, you wonderful bastard!
This Blind Roadkilling Jeep
With no clue what was around that hill, robbymueller leapt out of his automobile and into history.
Neo, Who Joined WWI And Dodged Everything
It should have been an easy kill for ANEPICLIE. Too bad he faced off against this profession bullet dodger.
This Long Range Sniper
The folks over at NERDS GONE WILD saw this slowly descending soldier and just couldn’t resist.
This One Guy Who Hid... And Then Stopped Hiding
Sometimes, you just have to wait for the right moment. joshuasteele17 shows exactly how that’s done.
Finally: This Friggin’ Guy And His Miracle Shot
This guy is Jake. He’s the luckiest motherfucker on the planet.