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New X-Blades Screens Bring To Mind Creepy Cosplay

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New screenshots from SouthPeak's fantasy action game X-Blades highlight the odd contrast between the game's realistic environments and the main character's anime-inspired look.

Something has been bothering me about X-Blades for awhile, and it wasn't until SouthPeak released this latest batch of screens for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC title that I finally realized what it was. The environments in the game feature realistic textures and architecture, while the main character looks like she's been pulled straight out of a Japanese cartoon. It gives me the same sort of creepy vibe I get when seeing animegao - doll face cosplay. I have nightmares about this sort of thing on a regular basis.

Now that I've ruined the game for everyone, hit the jump for the latest screenshots. Sorry about that!