Have you ever thought, "Boy, Monopoly™ is cool and all, but you know what would make it better? More Brands™!" Well I've got good news for you.
Now, thanks to Monopoly™ Empire (h/t Consumerist), you can embrace corporate sponsorship and add some Xbox™ and EA™ to your Family Board Game Nights™. You can even play as an Xbox™ controller.
To quote the description:
Own the world's top brands in the Monopoly Empire game!
Choose one of the uniquely branded tokens, move around the board and start building your Empire! Buy your favorite brands one by one and slide their billboards onto your Empire tower: the game is a race to the top! Collect rent from your rivals based on your tower height. And be the first player to fill your tower with billboards to win!
With the Monopoly Empire game, you can own some of the biggest brands in the world! Every space on the board is an iconic brand, including Xbox, Coca-Cola, McDonald's and Samsung! Splash your Monopoly cash to build your Empire tower as high as it can go. You'll need to make tough decisions and smart moves to take down the competition and be the first to reach the top. Hit the big time and own the world's top brands with the Monopoly Empire game!
I'll leave you with this picture of people hitting the big time and owning the world's top Brands™: