If for some reason you weren't expecting Microsoft to show off Forza Motorsport 3 for the Xbox 360 at this year's E3 expo, start expecting it.
German racing wheel maker Fanatec says its new Porsche 911 Turbo S wheel controller, the one built with Forza 3 in mind, has entered pre-production and will be shown at E3 next month, hinting that it will be tied to the next Turn 10 Studios racer.
What's more interesting is why the wheel appears to have been slower in getting to production.
"It took a little bit longer than expected but Microsoft wanted us to support a new feature for Forza 3," writes Fanatec company rep Thomas Jackermeier. Wonder what that could be?
While the game hasn't yet been officially announced, its existence was not-so-subtly hinted at recently.
PWTS Pre-production started [Fanatec - thanks, Martin!]