Project Wingman, an indie arcade dogfighting game for the PC, is a project I’ve had my eye on for years now, so it was cool this week to finally see it released on Steam.
The work of a tiny development team—indeed most coding was handled by just one person, Aussie Abi Rahmani—Project Wingman has very strong Ace Combat energy, a sensational feeling of speed and movement, some lovely lighting and cloud effects and, best of all, VR support.
Here’s what it looked like in 2017:
And here’s what it looks like in 2020:
I’ve been playing the game all week and it’s pretty cool! One nice surprise I’ve found is that it’s fine to play with a controller, something I was worried about since I lost my fancy flight stick in a recent house move.
The game’s post-apocalyptic setting is...odd, but then Ace Combat is never that concerned with historical or political realism either, so maybe that’s now a genre thing (or maybe even a legal thing surrounding rights, who knows!).
Project Wingman is available now, and it’s also only $25.