The first adventure module added to Perfect World Entertainment’s Neverwinter, 2013's Fury of the Feywild, introduced players to the ancient elven stronghold of Sharandar. The game’s latest three-part module, launching on PC February 9 and consoles a month later, heads back to those wild woods to see what’s happened over the past seven years and change. It’s probably fine.
Wait, no. Not fine. According to the official announcement, unsettling darkness is spreading across the Feywild. There are rumors of an ancient fey being and other evil forces seeking to take control of Sharandar and steal away its sweet, flower-frolicking secrets. In the first episode, The Iron Tooth, players are sent on a mission to investigate the disappearance of an elven dignitary. They’ll explore the new Sharandar social hub, lay waste to the Ruins of Malabog adventure zone, and grind for gear in the Vault of Stars dungeon. Then maybe a nap.
I love it when an MMO revisits and revamps old territory. No place stays exactly the same for seven years, even the mystical lands of the fey. The developers at Cryptic have completely revamped and re-visualized the world, giving players something pretty to look at while being murdered by shambling horrors.