To: Crecente
From: Bashcraft
RE: Kotaku Resolutions
Happy New Year's!
Last night we spent the evening watching a music program on NHK and trying to teach Mini-Bash how to say the Japanese New Year's greeting — he kept putting it in the past tense for some kooky reason.
Regarding New Year's resolutions, I have only one this year: Spend more time with my family.
Like you and pretty much everyone else I know, I work a lot. Maybe too much! (That's what happens when you do what you love.) But I'm going to really strive to set aside more time to talk to my kids and my wife.
That being said! I'd kinda like to learn to cook. Or rather, cook better.
For Kotaku resolutions, I guess I'd like to do more posts with Tim Curry pictures and work on my spelling. My speliling is not so good, but it's geting better!
What you missed last night
PlayStation Home And Second Life: Worlds Apart
A Year In Review: The Top Reviews Of 2008
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What's Nintendo's Year End Tokyo Stock Exchange Ranking?
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