This week I went to the eye doctor. In Japan, I think you can only order contacts for a six month supply.
I usually get a three month one, meaning that I must go to the eye doctor every three months. Just like making sure they're working okay! Get paranoid about them gazing at glowing screens all day...
Japan Cannot Pretend Kim Jong-il Is Dead Earlier this month, it was revealed that first-person shooter Homefront was going to be changed for Japan. Today, the game's Japanese publisher finally explained why.
Five Comics We'd Like To See Turned Into Video Games Comic fans got some good (or at least promising) news yesterday, with word that two of the best series in recent years — The Walking Dead and Fables — will be turned into video games. They're a...start. I guess.
Will Things Get Harder For China's Booth Babes? For years, ChinaJoy, the country's premiere gaming show, rolled out girls in skimpy outfits and heels to promote games. But year after year, the games continue to move into the background, and the ChinaJoy booth companions move to the forefront.
Ex-Soldier Brutally Beat Boy Over Game Deletion In April 2009, a soldier beat an 8-year-old boy so severely that his intestines burst. The child is hooked up to a machine that feeds him nutrients and collects his waste. All this over a deleted Grand Theft Auto IV game file.
Microsoft, Why Did You Lie To Velocity Girl? You may not remember her, but Velocity Girl was one of the stars of E3 2005. Young, funky and a casual gamer, she was promised the Xbox 360 would be the console of her dreams.