Following a fresh batch of screens this morning, more Motorstorm 2 details are emerging from the Sony PlayStation Day in London, where Sony's Paul Hollywood was on hand to deliver the goods on the new title. Now called Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, the entire game takes place on a tropical island, complete with waterfalls, volcanoes, and vegetation that will hinder smaller vehicles while the large ones crush it beneath their wheels. The game will double the number of tracks from the first game, bringing the number to a much more respectable 16. You'll be able to drive through streams to cool your engine, adding a bit of strategy to the mix, while the addition of monster trucks to the franchise will certainly cause problems for those who prefer the lightweight, crushable motorbikes. On the multiplayer side of things, the game will support split screen multiplayer as well as 16-player online races. See the nifty things you can accomplish when your game isn't rushed out the door?
LIVE: EU PlayStation Day dawns [GameSpot]