According to the NPD Group, the fine market research folks who bring us batches of numbers every month, more Americans played video games in the past six months than went to a movie theater.
To that, I say "Haha! Suck it, movie theater-going public, even though I may be among you." Entertainment medium fanboys will be happy to learn that 63 percent of Americans played a video game over the past six months, compared to 53 percent who schlepped it on down to the local cineplex.
That statistical ass kicking from the gaming public benefited from new outlets for playing games, including downloadable games and those featured on social networking sites.
The NPD points out that widespread video game playing by Americans still has a way to go to best the number of folks listening to music. But we'll get you music listeners. We'll get you.
The NPD Group: More Americans Play Video Games Than Go Out to the Movies [NPD Group]