Games with good swordplay are rare. Multiplayer games with good swordplay are rarer still, like Excalibur of Arthurian legend. It’s no wonder, then, that Mordhau has cut through the clutter and laid siege to the Steam charts. Steam users are digging the heck out of it.
Kotaku’s Ethan Gach described Mordhau as a game that’s “slow, awkward, and bloody, but for some reason, I want to keep playing.” That squares pretty well with the majority of Steam reviewers, who love the game’s skill-based melee combat in which you can control the arc of your swings, opening up all sorts of clever strategic possibilities. Mordhau released in a laggy, glitchy state, but many issues have already received fixes, with more on the way. Oh, and there’s versatile customization options that somehow, miraculously, have not been paired with microtransactions or loot boxes. Upon learning this, thousands of Steam users dropped whatever they were doing—some quitting their jobs and abandoning their families—to write reviews.