"Rolls on," more like, as the big update hit early yesterday for Monday Night Combat, the class-based shooter on Xbox Live Arcade. For those who don't have it, the demo time trial has been extended to 60 minutes from 30.
The title update delivers a ton of fixes - some esoteric, some critical depending on what class you play the most. Of general interest, I'd say the demo extension, plus networking fixes that won't split Xbox Live parties and improved hit detection to compensate for high lag situations, are the most relevant.
The game has also normalized the time between missing a grapple and the ability to execute another - this is of particular concern to Assassins (a popular class) which saw a greater time penalty between attempts. Tank's jet gun has been nerfed the lower it is on ammo, but with a full clip it's now stronger than usual.
Additionally, Monday Night Combat can roll out gameplay tuning without the necessity for a full patch update. Just today Uber Entertainment adjusted the damage on Sniper's level 2 and 3 grapple, cut the pay for Ring Outs to $75 from $125, and boosted Tank's death blossom damage if he's carrying a full clip. Keep that in mind if he's your preferred class.
MNC Title Update Is Out Now [Uber Entertainment, thanks cfive3]