Dragon Quest Tact is a big hit in Japan, with more than 10 million downloads since its 2020 release. It’s now available worldwide for iOS and Android devices, giving fans everywhere a chance to collect cartoony monsters and make them kill each other. Yay!
No, Dragon Quest Tact is not a game that teaches you how to behave properly in social situations. It’s a turn-based tactics game in which players collect goofy-looking creatures, form a team, and take turns hitting each other. Players can spend in-game currency to recruit new creatures, gacha-style, or recruit enemies conquered in battle to bolster their ranks. New players get 3,000 gems to spend on recruiting 10 monsters at once, which netted me a Wight King and a Great Dragon, which are S-ranked troops that are several letters better than other troops.

Battles are standard turn-based tactics fare, complete with grid-based movement and positioning. Players can opt to go deep with their strategies or just hit the “auto” button and let AI figure it out.

It’s basically Dragon Quest’s answer to Fire Emblem Heroes. It’s free. Give it a go.