Microsoft's Xbox Live Indie Games Channel has been hit in recent weeks with some ratings manipulation, which is affecting how games are displayed (and as a result sold) on the service. Here's what the platform holder is doing about it.
"Starting today", reads a statement issued by Microsoft, "only users with Xbox LIVE Gold subscriptions will be allowed to rate content on the website. By implementing this change, we believe our customers will experience more consistent ratings and a significantly reduced potential for abuse across the entire Xbox catalog. We have also investigated rolling back suspect votes, however, we determined it will not be possible to do this."
"In addition, we are investigating users who may have violated their user agreement during this series of events. Violating user agreements may result in actions up to and including banning from Xbox LIVE, removal of currently posted games, and loss of ability to post games in the future."
Whether this actually helps - and whether any culprits face any serious disciplinary action - remains to be seen. But hey, at least it's something.