For over 13 years, there has been a character in the original Mass Effect who was, well, the wrong race. An oversight the series’ new remasters has finally been able to fix.
As Eurogamer points out, since 2007 the minor character Elanos Haliat has looked human, but was also a character who led an attack on a human colony and said mean things about Shepard being a human Spectre, leading fans to assume that he wasn’t supposed to be depicted as human, with his appearance being either an oversight or a bug.
Turns out they were right. In Legendary Edition’s version of Mass Effect, Haliat is shown to be a Taurian, which makes a lot more sense!

The discovery comes a day after folks found that Tali’s face, another weird little character-based inconsistency, has also been fixed in the Legendary Edition. It’s nice that in addition to the general remaster business, BioWare also went in and made little changes/fixes like this!