At this morning’s Nintendo Direct, we got a look at the next wave of maps headed for Mario Kart 8 as part of the Booster Course Pack originally announced back in February. With the last set of new and classic courses hitting the game back in August, fans of the colorful, shenanigan-filled kart racer have likely been eager to see what new tracks will hit the game in the next wave. Two courses were shown off during the event, with a release expected in the near future. Check out the trailer for wave three here:
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe hit the Switch back in 2017 as an enhanced version of the Wii U title of the same name (minus the Deluxe part). In February of this year, Nintendo began offering the Booster Course Pass, in typical season pass DLC style. The pass has expanded the game considerably and has treated players to dozens of maps which would roll out over the course of six waves of eight tracks each. The wave revealed today marks the third, and includes Merry Mountain from the series’ mobile spin-off, Mario Kart Tour and Peach Gardens from the widely revered Mario Kart DS.
Previous waves mostly featured classic maps from the series’ history, though there have been some fun new tracks as well. In place of a sequel, 8 looks set to continue to grow. Some of these go back to the Game Boy Advance and even the SNES, turning Deluxe into a sort of Greatest Hits of the series, and fans haven’t been able to get enough of it.
This wave is expected to launch this holiday, with more to follow of course next year.
With three waves down, we’re halfway through the Battle Course Pass which is expected to run sometime into 2023.