Wizards of the Coast and Toho Studios joined forces for the upcoming special kaiju expansion set, Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths. The first printing run features a “Spacegodzilla, Death Corona” card, which couldn’t have a worse name at a worse time.
The “Corona Beam” (コロナビーム or korona biimu) is the official name for one of Spacegodzilla’s attacks. As Hachima Kikou points out, the Japanese card reads “Corona Beam of Death” (死のコロナビーム or shi no korona biimu), and the English-language one reads, “Death Corona.”
Wizards of the Coast are going to alter both cards, removing any mention of the word corona. The new English language card, for example, will read, “Spacegodzilla, Void Invader,” and the Japanese-language one will have the equivalent of that.
Below is the card maker’s statement in full:
Months ago, when Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths was finalized, the world was a very different place. As we all adjust to a world altered by the spread of COVID-19, the word “corona” has taken on a new meaning.
In context, the card we’re about to show you made sense when it was originally conceived—”the Corona Beam” is Spacegodzilla’s traditional breath weapon. However, we were unable to change our printing in time to address the new meaning of corona. The initial printing of Ikoria will arrive on shelves soon and this card will be part of the set, but we are taking steps to remove or change the card where possible.
First, all reprints of Ikoria will remove this card. Second, we’ll be renaming the card on Magic: The Gathering Arena to Spacegodzilla, Void Invader. Finally, Magic Online, which will be offering the special Godzilla Series Monster versions of cards only in Treasure Chests, will not distribute this card.
Note that this is a special version of the card Void Beckoner, which will not be affected by any changes.
Everyone’s health and safety are important to us during this time. For more on how Wizards of the Coast is addressing COVID-19, please click here. Stay safe, and we appreciate your understanding and patience.
Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths will be released on April 16.