Last night, European designer fashion brand Louis Vuitton took to the Kennedy Airport to show off its 2020 cruise collection, its latest line of fancy new clothes and accessories. The stylish show was packed with celebs, from Final Fantasy VIII?
The fashion show began with models slowly coming down the terminal staircases to a recording of a woman delivering a weather report. The voice recording eventually faded out, and the sound of a choir came on. Then the words “Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec,” the made-up Latin phrases that start Nobuo Uematsu’s “Liberi Fatali” theme from Final Fantasy VIII.
Instantly recognizable to long time fans of the series, “Liberi Fatali” is how Final Fantasy VIII opens. The music plays over a full motion video depicting major scenes from the game before showing a fight between two guys with guns shaped like swords. Yesterday, it was repurposed to promote elaborate handbags and studded leather tops. Seeing it in this context felt like undergoing a real-life time compression.
I guess I shouldn’t be completely shocked. After all, Final Fantasy VIII was far and away the most stylish game in the series.