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Littlest Pet Shop Online Has Cutest Hourglass Ever

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Why spend your evening waiting in an queue to play Aion when you can watch an hourglass spin around in EA's new MMO, Littlest Pet Shop Online?

The Hasbro / EA partnership is fully realized today with the launch of Littlest Pet Shop Online, an immersive online world filled with animals desperately struggling to keep from being crushed under the weight of their own massive skulls. The game is all about decorating, customization, and of course, mini-games, offering fun for "girls" whether they opt to play for free or buy a subscription for $6.95 a month.

I'd give you my impressions, but all I get when I try to log in is the hourglass seen above, with an adorable little cat that keeps waving at me until I return to the login prompt. I am hoping that's not the full game. Perhaps it's server queues. Perhaps it's because I am a filthy, stinking boy.


"EA is at an exciting milestone, diving into the realm of virtual worlds for girls with the launch of LITTLEST PET SHOP ONLINE," said Chip Lange, General Manager of EA's Hasbro Division. "LITTLEST PET SHOP ONLINE is an incredible game and community destination, as well as an environment that parents know they can trust. We're delighted to offer LITTLEST PET SHOP fans a new and exciting way to connect online with friends through their favorite pets."

Littlest Pet Shop fans of both genders can also purchase LPSO Pets at participating retailers. LPSO Pets are plushies with sewn-in codes for 30-day premium memberships to the game and special in-game rewards. Maybe one of the rewards includes getting past this hourglass.