After a run of more than 10 years, Lineage is "no longer financially viable in the West," says publisher NCsoft, and its North American servers will be shut down permanently on June 29. Beginning now, the game is free-to-play until that date provided one has or had created a Lineage account before today.
All existing accounts in good standing have been reactivated, NCsoft said, though mew accounts can no longer be created. Recurring billing has ended and Time Cards are no longer able to add additional game time.
"We are committed to refunding any unused game time that might have already been applied to your account," NCsoft said in a statement. "If you are due a refund, refunds will be made automatically back to the method of payment that was originally used in most cases."
While NCsoft won't be making any additional content updates, U.S. rule changes and "lots of great events" are planned for the next two months. "We want to give you every opportunity to make all of your remaining Lineage dreams come true. We hope that everyone will stick around to have fun with the game you love in the time we have left."
NA Servers Closing 6/29 [Lineage via MMORPG]