Lineage II is nearly five years old in North America, and NCsoft is celebrating with details on Gracia Final, the upcoming free expansion that adds a whole new continent with a lovely aerial view.
Players take to the skies in the Gracia Final expansion for Lineage II, using the aerial transformation skills Aurabird Falcon, Aurabird Owl and the Kamael's special Final Flying Form to explore Gracia's new aerial and ground-based hunting grounds. As always, player versus player combat plays a large role in Lineage II, and Gracia Final brings new ways for the pretty players to kill each other. The Olympiad tournament expands to allow for 3-on-3 battles, and the new Aerial Cleft PvP arena allows players to sign up for random battles.
The expansion also introduces territory battles, which allows for both clans and un-allied players acting as mercenaries to participate in massive capture the flag style skirmishes.
NCsoft just dropped us a line to let us know that the expansion was now available on the public test server, so if you play, head over to FilePlanet to snag the test client. If not, enjoy the pretty new pictures of Gracia Final.