Nominated for awards in Art and Technical Excellence for obvious reasons in the 12th Annual Independent Games Festival, Playdead's stunning black and white puzzle platformer Limbo is heading to Xbox Live Arcade this summer.
Limbo is the story of a young boy braving a bleak and mysterious world in order to determine the fate of his sister. The art is purely black and white, with the main character and platforming elements silhouetted against beautiful greyscale backdrops.
Today Playdead announces a worldwide release for the game on consoles this year, with an exclusive summer launch on Xbox Live Arcade.
Limbo will be playable at the IGF Pavilion during the 2010 Game Developers Conference next weekend. You can learn about the game at its official site, which includes a video teaser that's even more impressive than these screens.
Be sure to stay tuned to our Road to IGF coverage for more on Playdead's Limbo.