Welcome to the Summer of Old JRPGs, where we're playing classic role-playing games and talking about them every week. Check out the full schedule here.
Are you playing Final Fantasy VI this month? Does it hold up well? Do you still get emotional over the adventures of Celes and Kefka?
I'm planning a big ol' feature with some Intense Thoughts about FFVI to be published soon—look forward to it!—so I'm not going to write a lot here, but since we're all playing it for the Summer of Old RPGs, I thought I'd give you guys an opportunity to discuss the game this afternoon.
So get into the comments and let's talk about the best Final Fantasy game ever made.
(Next week: SaGa Frontier)
Random Encounters is a weekly column dedicated to all things JRPG. It runs every Friday at 3pm ET. You can reach Jason at jason@kotaku.com or on Twitter at @jasonschreier.