It is time for the latest installment of Kotaku's Game Club. We are discussing Alan Wake's first episode: Nightmare.
Let's do this in the comments.
Some discussion topics to get you warmed up:
1) Were you satisfied with this episode as an episode? Would you have bought it on its own if the next episode wasn't coming out for, say, a month? And, if so, for how much?
2) In this first episode we see that Alan Wake is a frustrated guy, an author with problems who bristles at the small-town yokels who talk to him and who argues with his wife. He's also a somewhat slow runner and a good shot. Did the strengths and faults with the character, in terms of personality and gameplay, make you like him? Dislike him? What do you think of this guy as a game hero so far?
Those questions are just to get you started. Don't spend too much time answering them... jump into the fray and talk to each other. I'll be hanging out here too for the next hour.
Note: Our Alan Wake Game Club will return tomorrow, Thursday, at the same hour, 3pm Kotaku Time (5pm ET/ 1pm PT) with a discussion of the game's second episode.