The Gundam VS series has been headlining Japanese arcades for almost a decade now with its fast-paced Virtual-On-style robot-on-robot gameplay.
The upcoming Mobile Suit Gundam VS Full Boost is the latest iteration in the series. It sports a roster of over 50 mobile suits, with at least one suit from every single Gundam series—it even has several shown only in the various Gundam manga. After players choose their mobile suits, they then compete in two-vs-two battles where they share a lifebar with their partner player.
We already showed the game in action back in our AOU 2012 report but Bandai-Namco only recently released the CG opening in all its Gundam-fighting glory.
While the last game in the series, Gundam Extreme VS, featured a theme song by Linkin Park, Bandai-Namco chose to go local this time with a track titled "FIGHT IT OUT" by punk/metal/digital hardcore artists Akihiro Namba and Takeshi Ueda, featuring K from the band "Pay Money To My Pain."
If having this trailer on repeat isn't enough for you, the song will be available for purchase on iTunes come March 28.
Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS Full Boost is set to hit Japanese arcades this April.