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Lego MMO Being Worked On By Lego ZEALOTS

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NetDevil - the guys behind the upcoming Lego MMO Lego Universe - are taking the game seriously. Very seriously. So seriously that they've made some changes to the normal development process by making use of a team of die-hard, adult, "purist" Lego fans. Lead producer Ryan Seabury explains:

We've been working with about 50 of them — and now up to 68, and it's only going to keep expanding. We've brought them out to Denver twice... the first time, it was more about getting them up to speed on the concept and what was going on and hearing a lot of feedback and opening a dialogue, and the next time we brought them back out, they actually got hands-on with the tools and the technology. Conceptually, we think of them as developers helping us build the game...You never hear about a community being involved in an MMO besides coming in at the beta test at the end. Those people that can be the most influential... [are] heavily involved and tell us what their expectations are.

I can tell you our expectations: if we can't recreate the original Lego castle, all bets are off. NetDevil Talks Merits, Precautions Of Early Focus Testing [Gamasutra]
