The early Legacy of Kain games aren’t just interesting puzzle action RPGs full of demonic horrors and mysticism, they’re also perfect time capsules for a certain type of jaggy-edged ‘90s PlayStation game that’s currently riding a wave of nostalgic revival. Now who’s ready to play them on a neat retro gaming handheld you’ve never heard of?
Okay, the Evercade is actually a really cool device for playing old emulated games on newly manufactured cartridges. It’s a bit archaic but will give you the warm fuzzies as you think back to the days of lugging around games in a nylon carrying case. But it’s a weird platform to bring the Legacy of Kain collection to in the year 2024 when Soul Reaver isn’t currently available anywhere else.
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain and Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver are coming to the Evercade in September for $25. Here’s the trailer with the pre-order info:
Fans were initially pumped to revisit some of these classics when a Soul Reaver collection seemed to leak at San Diego Comic Con 2024 last month. A series of statues in a glass case were displayed alongside special branding that read, “Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver I & II Remastered.” But the event came and went without any official announcement from Crystal Dynamics, leaving some disappointed and others hopeful that the collection was just waiting on an official announcement at GamesCom for another event.
That might still be in the works, but in the meantime it seems like the only way to revisit Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver in any official capacity will be dropping $100 on an Evercade (the first game is on GOG for $1 at the moment). Soul Reaver was removed from Steam in 2021, and the original game has never been available on modern platforms. The three later entries in the series, Soul Reaver 2, Blood Omen 2, and Legacy of Kain: Defiance are also still available to play on PC currently. I’m sure the collection for the first two games will land their eventually as well.