League of Legends players take the game seriously. Super seriously. So seriously that those pesky pretty little things on the Summoner’s Rift map like butterflies and dragonflies start to look like serious eyesores that get in the way of winning. I mean: you can’t even attack them! But Riot can.
In a small post on the League of Legends boards this morning, Riot’s JxE informed forum-goers that the developer is adding a new option to disable in-game visual flourish, lest they prove distracting for “competitive players” (emphasis mine):
Recently we added an option to the Game tab in the menu called “Hide Eye Candy”. Some of our more competitive players requested the the option to hide some of the less subtle movement on Summoner’s Rift. We added the option to disable things like butterfiles, dragonfiles and the water wakes to help competitive players focus on what they care about, the gameplay.
The next PBE deploy should have the hook ups enabled. Let us know if we missed anything that should’ve been added and if you have any other feedback regarding this new option.
JxE didn’t specify if the elusive Summoner’s Rift duck was on the “Hide Eye Candy” chopping block. But given how cute the little quack monster is, I can’t imagine he wouldn’t be:
“Hide Eye Candy” is a small but considerate quality-of-life feature for League players who are so serious about winning that they don’t want to risk being distracted by some pretty patch of scenery and therefore costing themselves a win. Which makes this minor tweak an interesting indication of how things work, creatively speaking, in League of Legends. The game’s climate is so competitive so often that the developer needs to always consider first and foremost how visual updates will impact the readability of the game, as opposed to enhancing its aesthetic qualities for their own sake.
Contact the author at yannick.lejacq@kotaku.com.