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Kotaku's Top Five List Of Top 10 Lists

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Each week throws off several new video game lists ranging from the humorous to the trivial. What's better? A list of those. Here's a roundup of the rundowns out there.

Top 10 Xbox Indie Games You Should Be Playing [Planet Xbox 360] No. 1 is Soulcaster, not I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!1 (which is No. 4). I think Barkers Crest's Avatar Golf is, bang-for-the-buck, one of the best you can get and certainly worthy of inclusion here.

Ten Games To Play When You're Alone, Sad And Drunk [FileFront] Wait a second, I'm not sure there's a game I play when I'm not one of those three.


Six Holiday Video-Game Titles To Go For Broke [Bitmob] Two of these are out already, and summer's not even a week old. How about EA Sports MMA, Fallout: New Vegas and Star Wars: STFU 2?.


The Nine Greatest Video Game Drinking Buddies [Ranker] What about Dig-Dug? I bet that motherfucker has some stories.


Best Video Game Controller Innovations [Bestcovery] It's still a crime that LeStick gets no love. Then again, I'm sure it got plenty from teenage girls in the 1980s.