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Kotaku's Top 5 List of Top 10 Lists

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Each week throws off several new video game lists ranging from the humorous to the trivial. What's better? A list of those. Here's a roundup of the rundowns out there.

2009 Sleepers: The Best Games You Didn't Play [1Up] I gotta say, with the exception of Flower they're right. If I had a PC I would have bagged up Torchlight, like I haven't spent too much time with Borderlands and Dragon Age: Origins already. Personally, I think the best game I did not play - even once - this year might be something like Red Faction: Guerrilla. But that moved a million units, so it doesn't really fit the "nobody played" definition.

Top 10 Most Visually Impressive Games of the Decade [VG Arabia] This list does a decent job taking into account the game's impact relative to the state of the art. But of course, No. 1 was released with less than two months to go in the decade. Not saying that Uncharted 2 isn't the best looking game of the 2000s, but it stands to reason that the best examples of this feature will undoubtedly be the most recent. Current-gen console and PC take slots 1 through 4; all else is previous-gen.


Top 15 Most Anticipated Games of 2010 [MTVu] The biggies, BioShock 2, Bayonetta, God of War III are no surprises. No Mass Effect 2, however, is a big shocker. And while I don't expect people to have the same love that Luke and I do for Red Dead Redemption, I'm not sure how two boutique titles like Shantae: Risky's Revenge and Sin & Punishment 2 qualify here.


The 25 Best New Characters of the Decade [GamesRadar] Again, while Commander Shepard could be male or female, (and customizable) his standard male form is highly recognizable, verging on iconic, and again I'm surprised by the exclusion of Mass Effect from this list. Especially when it encompasses 25 characters who debuted in the previous decade. Also, Agent 47 debuted in late 2000 on the PC, really coming into his own in the three succeeding titles on consoles (although, none since 2006.) Choosing C.J. over Tommy Vercetti or Niko Bellic for Grand Theft Auto is interesting - and the correct call.


Horrible Video Game Boxart: So Bad That It's Awesome [OC Weekly] The announcement of Mega Man 10 put the southern California alt-rag in a nostalgic mood. Yes, Mega Man's atrocious cover is No. 1, but No. 2 - God, all of those Sega Master System covers were just terrible - is an apt choice. And Rival Turd Turf! on Super Nintendo. Like anyone couldn't kick those kids' asses.