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Kotaku 'Shop Contest: First In Line Winners

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Last week, we asked you to reimagine the summit of Isaiah "Triforce" Johnson and Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime at the Nintendo 3DS launch event two weeks ago in New York. As a316sob's entry (1, above) shows, many items changed hands, and many heads swapped places. Let's round up the winners.

ARYXANDRE (3) brought Triforce and Reggie together in the name of peace (though it does look a little Big-Head Mode, which only adds do the humor.) Movie posters were a popular theme, including Say Anything by BDARKO (4) National Lampoon's Vacation (7) by diabeetis, Tron Legacy by Rokeden (15) and, of course, Star Wars by Strmtrooper1013 (18). Others were really strong, just needing a little explanation. Sefa (17) is satirizing an infamous scene from the first Batman movie.

Plenty did He-Man 'shops, too; Actionfitz (2) gets in for slapping Adam of Eternia's heavy-metal mullet on Triforce. Other obvious memes done well: Nintendo 64 kid, by nasserkun (11) and It's Dangerous to go Alone, Take This, by screath (16)


My favorite? Tough call. everydayfury's (8) tribute to Double Dribble was the best of the sports entries. But I'll go with Laodicea-Dude's (10) utterly inspired Conan homage, with Triforce as Grace Jones and Reggie as Arnold. Puts new meaning into "My body is ready," doesn't it.


Thanks again, congrats to all who made the roundup. We'll be back with another challenge tomorrow.


1 a316sob

2 actionfitz



5 clumsyninja

6 DemiSouls

7 diabeetis

8 everydayfury

9 FelliniZucchini

10 Laodicea-Dude

11 nasserkun

12 Orionsaint

13 RadioactiveToy

14 RandMan612

15 Rokeden

16 screath

17 Sefa

18 Strmtrooper1013

19 symbology

20 Zabant