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Kotaku 'Shop Contest: Easter Egg Edition

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Hey there, smart 'shoppers, break out your Paas coloring kits, because it's Easter and it's Sunday, and that means it's time to roll some eggs across Kotaku's virtual lawn.

Your mission today is bounded only by your imagination - and your 'Shop skills, of course. Beginning with the blank canvas of this white egg, your job is to create the baddest game-themed egg, which you'll want to keep and display forever, but will start rotting and stinking after 24 hours and will then be taken outside and hurled against a tree.

Source Image: White Chicken Egg, by Flickr user Ren West, via Wikimedia Commons.

Doll it up with your favorite logo, 8-bit character, box art, whatever; turn it into a Mega Man villain or hatch a Chocobo from it. Or go totally meta and depict your favorite game Easter egg, on an Easter egg. Yo dawg?

A reminder of the ground rules. Please keep your images to no wider than 1200 pixels and no taller than 800 pixels. Also, post your submissions in the comments. Do not email them to tips. Don't email them to me or any other editor.


The 20 best will get rounded up and published at the end of next Saturday. Meantime, I and the rest of the starred commentariat will approve and promote as many as we can so folks can see them and pass judgment. Remember, if you're trying to get a comment account approved, turning in a worthy 'shop is an easy path to the privilege.