In last week's Photoshop contest I asked our readers to come up with a better consumer use for Japan's rabbits than cell phone cases. I should have seen this coming.
Some of our contestants followed the contest to the letter, crafting new consumer products out of bunnies. Others expanded on the cell phone case idea. One entrant, a Mr. Michael Johnsen, combined two popular meme-worthy Japanese topics into one horrible, hilarious, still horrible thing.
After carefully tallying the votes cast by myself, even with taking off points for this obviously being based on Burger King's black hamburger (note the grill marks), Michael still wins.
That doesn't mean the rest of this week's spotlight entries aren't winners as well. They just weren't black rabbit burgers. Not many things are.
This Week's Other Winners
Hugh Jass — because no one would even bother with the plastic sheeting anymore.
MyrdiNN — just because.
Exato — for making it a little less scary.
Chuy Hernandez — for going the alternate reality route.
Taurenrider — for bunny in a Maytag hat.
bbilbo1 — for the top right alone.
MrDeadScott — it's fluffier on the inside.
Fizziks — because this is the best thing.
WisperG — for giving me gashapon-pooping bunny.
Ganonthegreat1 — for truly Advanced Warfare.
Orionsangel — and if they call you, they will kill you.
Hundredgunner — for the iPad version.
thegregorius — because I would spend more time in buildings with bunny window washers.
RoomB31 — for almost getting there.
uscg_pa — for the dust bunny.
Jookie — though this entry was already... taken.
Cartoonivore — because damn this would be a conflicting thing to come across.
JurassicBark — for a slightly more realistic Kevin Spacey.
arniejolt — though it's just a cute little bunny.
Distracted Observer — for meme-ception.
alephck — I wonder what he's calling to say?
TheNanoRaptor — the colon looks so real!
Osimov — because just look at that damn thing.
mpar — for depicting how we feel after all of these bunny images.
And of course...
Michael Johnsen — for the win!
Come back tomorrow, when I will have no idea what to post for a contest and end up emailing uscg_pa to ask him for ideas again.