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Kotaku 'Shop Contest: A Coat For Max: Winners!

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When Kotaku’s editor-in-chief voiced his dissatisfaction with a jacket worn by the title character of the Mad Max video game, our image-manipulating community sprung into action. Now he’s got plenty to choose from.

Should he go with popular opinion however, only one suit of clothing shall do. In so far as our commenters are concerned, Insofaras’ Simpson’s-inspired real gorilla vest is the piece to complete Mad Max’s ensemble. For reference:

But popular opinion be damned! Why not give Mr. Totilo a choice? How about giving him my choices? Sounds good.

This Week’s Runners-Up

Poopemon — because I’ve a feeling Totilo would approve highly of this.

Evan Miller — because Tunnel Snakes indeed rule. Until I kill them all.

BrashestTracksiest — because he blue himself but didn’t completely cover his face.


madcatalyst — because he’s right, MacLean’s face makes it.

Subieroo — sensing a theme developing here.

det-devil-ails — because those dogs survived the apocalypse.

Mad Max — because his name isn’t Sane Sean.

The Real Kanra — because we need more post-apocalyptic musicals.

SonicBoom — because even the wasteland celebrates Christmas.

Mister Shibbles — cause this is just thrilling.

kustard — because it’s the best jacket.

wrecks — though I am still not sure what he changed.

ElTomTom — for making him ridiculously good looking.

Iconking — for suggesting an appropriate place to shop.

psyko_faze — IN YOUR EYES.

sillstaw — because this is an appropriate crossover.

Gorillanator — for never saying goodbye.

JurassicBark — for the image that fast-tracked a live-action movie.

Taurenrider of the Tasty Chips — because I kinda want this jacket too.

Zelda Did It! — for giffing out the Mackelmore.

uscg_pa — it shall be immortal, I tell you!

Alluvian_Est-Endrati — because Zardoz. C’mon, people.

Area Effect — it shall live on forever!

MrDeadScott — he doesn’t look so lonely to me.

Zhesty — for doing Braveheart besty.

sciteach — because all I want is life beyond seeing this image.

spaceludes — oh I get it, it’s a wrestling theme!

And of course...

Insofaras for the win!

Join us later today for a new ‘Shop Contest. Maybe this time we’ll do pants!