Man, what a Tuesday, am I right? Let's let this day, my first Friday of the week, pass us by with a little off-topic conversation, shall we?
I'll be spending the rest of my night engaged in some important dialogue while listening to some new music purchases (pictured) and maybe playing a thing or two, like Dragon's Lair on my iPhone, some Team Fortress 2 and Sin & Punishment 2. Since I have tomorrow off, it's like I get two Fridays this week.
Crap. That means two Mondays! Poor planning on my part.
What do you want to talk about? Did you buy some new music? Are you getting that shiny new iPhone? Spill it, consumer!
- Smirnoff forces "Bros Icing Bros" offline - Dumb-funny trend that I must now support for being unfairly quashed. Turned me onto the superior Bros Ricing Bros.
- That Green Hornet trailer doesn't look half bad! - In fact, it looks about two-thirds good!
- Rolling Stone's profile on Gen. Stanley McChrystal is... yikes - Obama not too happy with the commander of all U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan right now.
- Bruce Campbell's Soup labels - "Cream of Darkness." Tee hee.
- iPhone 4 photography: how does it perform as a camera? - Spoiler: not bad!