It's Tuesday night, Crecente's out for the night and he left the Kotaku Tower liquor cabinet unlocked. So let's party like it's 1999, except that we have better internet connections and the party consists of off-topic conversation. (Who wants Schnapps?)
While you're sharing your thoughts with the class, I'll be reading that Daniel Clowes book I picked up at Secret Headquarters, my local comic shop, this weekend. You know, Wilson? I must say I'm glad we have Stephen Totilo around to do the Week In Comics post, or I'd be none the wiser about a new Clowes effort.
Speaking of comic books...
- Hugo Weaving is the Red Skull - He's got the skull to pull it off!
- Franco Brambilla's Invading the Vintage - is neat.
- Top 10 luxury brands' web sites don't work on the iPad - All-Flash web sites suck and too many labels rely on it.
- JJ Abrams has a new secret film coming, possibly a Cloverfield sequel - And a trailer for it attached to Iron Man 2, apparently!