Earlier today, I hauled it over to MTV's Santa Monica offices to tape an episode of GameTrailers' Bonus Round, joining Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter and Shacknews' Garnett Lee for a rousing debate about the games of 2010.
That means I've had plenty of game related talk today, thank you very much. So let's talk about something else. Right now, I'm listening to The Replacements while also slaving away on a long overdue music related post for Kotaku. So if you want to talk about music, offering some recommendations to your fellow Kotaku commenters, have at it.
Otherwise, here's a smattering of links to kick off the weekend.
- Remix: Girls Are Bad At Sound Effects - Offer your personal machine gun sounds in the comments.
- Exploring the architecture of Die Hard, McClane-style - Oh, look. Another reason to love Die Hard.
- Up to 80 million Americans infected with H1N1 - CDC - Man, I am glad I don't leave the house!
- The Golden Globes are this weekend - And Ricky Gervais is hosting!!
- Porn video shown on Moscow highway billboard - Russia sure has it good.
- 150 Geeky Media People You Should Follow on Twitter - You can also follow me and read about my lunch.