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Korean Internet Person Redesigns Super Street Fighter IV's Juri

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Everyone isn't happy with the character design for Super Street Fighter IV's Juri. Whether it be the eyes, the breasts or the outfit, some folks on the Korean internet think Capcom got the character design all wrong. Or did it?

Fan made character design to the rescue! A post on South Korean site has a re-worked Juri — an abnormally high quality one for a character that was just revealed. But that doesn't necessarily mean, the tweaked design is better.


"Based on your opinions I removed the double pony tails, made the eyes less sharp, and added TaeKwonDo uniform," the post reads. "This certainly is Koreanisque, but it is too plain; I think it is actually bad for a game character's rendering."

Agree? Disagree? Fight!

한국식 주리를 만들어봤습니다 [ThisIsGame Thanks YJ!]