Japanese game makers Koei and Tecmo have merged, officially forming Koei Tecmo Holdings as of this April. But does that mean their games will merge as well?
According to the summer issue of industry publication Nikkei Corporate Information: "Tecmo and Koei are combining titles to launch a new game. The aim is to bring in fans of both."
There is no information about possible titles or a release window.
While Tecmo's most popular franchises are action game Ninja Gaiden and fighter Dead or Alive, Koei is best known for its hack-and-slash Dynasty Warriors series.
Koei does have experience with cross-branding: Back in 2007, it developed Dynasty Warriors: Gundam, which featured the Namco Bandai's popular mecha. Dynasty Warriors: Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball, anyone?
ついに「DEAD OR ALIVE無双」誕生?コーエーテクモが両社のタイトルを合体させた作品を発売へ [Gigazine]