Kingdom Hearts fans waited nearly 20 years for Sora, Donald, and Goofy’s adventures through Disney worlds to come to PC, which they finally did back in 2021 via the Epic Games Store. But some fans waited even longer for most of the series to come to Steam on June 13. Whatever floats your steamboat, PC players. Use your launcher of choice to see Sora go from a starry-eyed child to a starry-eyed young adult who has seen horrors beyond his comprehension. The fun thing about this, however, is that Kingdom Hearts fans (and haters, probably) now have a new forum to express their love and other feelings for Square Enix’s Disney / Final Fantasy crossover: Steam user reviews.
Given the series’ 22-year history, Kingdom Hearts has spawned decades of memes, gags, goofs, and, of course, hellish debate. Steam’s user reviews for the three bundles Square Enix has listed on the digital storefront are full of those, as well as folks warning potential buyers about potential technical trouble they might encounter in the ports. A lot of the user reviews are also letting folks know they’re glad to finally have these games on Steam instead of the Epic Games Store, and were willing to wait literal years to play Kingdom Hearts on PC if it meant they didn’t have to use Epic’s launcher. Patience is a virtue, I suppose. Fans waited over a decade for Kingdom Hearts III, so what’s three years to get almost every game in the series on Steam?
Ultimately, however, the best ones are the reviews that use ASCII art to recreate the iconic image of Disney’s own Michael Theodore Mouse dressed in an Organization XIII robe and asking a room of unsuspecting Final Fantasy and Disney characters if they’re talking about the Door to Darkness. Shoutout to the multiple users who did this to capture the moment in internet history with which Kingdom Hearts is most associated. Here are some of Kingdom Hearts’ best Steam user reviews.

![A Steam review reading "X Buying day 1 on Epic. [checkmark] Waiting 1171 days to buy it on Steam."](https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_645/9790e97e9ebb9e137620b200e23804ef.jpg)
