Japanese games impresario Goichi Suda, creator of No More Heroes and Shadows of the Damned, and his studio Grasshopper Manufacture will bring an all-new title exclusively to the Xbox 360, titled "Codename D." (Skittles? Is that you?)
Suda, taking the stage at Microsoft's TGS 2010 news conference, said that he'd wanted to work with the company for a long time, calling it a "long dating period." "Codename D," will be Kinect-enabled, but won't feature conventional weapons such as swords or guns. A live-action trailer shown after Suda's appearance depicted the game's protagonist lighting a baseball on fire to take out some foes.
Microsoft describes Codename D this way: "You must fight for your life to survive an evil amusement park filled with twisted and eerie creatures. With "codename D" for Kinect for Xbox 360, you are the controller as you unleash devastating effects to destroy enemies and objects."
Codename D will be released via Xbox Live Arcade for Kinect.